"Judges described the tool as brilliant fun and interactive with a strong purpose noting the clear engagement steps it could achieve building economic resilience amongst employees with a focus on financial literacy."

MoneyFit is an award-winning, cost-effective digital employee financial wellbeing solution that helps to improve employees’ confidence, control and capacity with their finances.

Research by LCP found that 74% of UK employees felt stressed about the personal finances in 2024 with 36% having less than one month in savings. Employers are seeking cost effective solutions to support their employees’ financial wellbeing against a backdrop of limited budgets to increase pay and benefits. MoneyFit is a cost-effective digital employee financial wellbeing solution that helps to improve employees’ confidence, control and capacity with their finances.
Using engaging interactive tools and plain English educational content, MoneyFit helps employees to demystify finances and feel more confident to make informed decisions about their money. MoneyFit also includes an optional VISA cashback card which enables employees to save up to 14.5% in over 80 UK retailers.
MoneyFit is deployed as a mobile responsive website that can be viewed on all devices including laptop, PC and mobile via an App Icon.
Key Features include:
The MoneyFit Quiz and action plan – assesses an individual’s attitude towards their finances based on three fun animal personas and delivers a bespoke action plan designed to help improve money fitness.
Learn About Money – focusing on the three topic areas of everyday budgeting, managing debt and saving for the future, learn about money includes a glossary of financial terms, links to useful resources and a series of AI generated explainer videos.
Help and Support – providing information and links to practical help and support on topics including money scams, gambling and money and mental health.
Money Modellers – engaging interactive modellers that illustrate the impact of compound growth of everyday small savings and compound interest on loans and savings.
Employee Benefits – an editable employee benefits section providing a clear concise summary of all the employee benefits available with links to the relevant pages on the intranet or benefits platform.
Employer Dashboard – real time insights into employee financial wellbeing to inform targeted interventions.
MoneyFit Cashback card – a VISA-backed digital payment card enabling employees to receive up to 14.5% cashback in over 80 retail brands.
Get in touch for a free no obligation pilot of MoneyFit at www.moneyfit.co.uk
Content & Lnks
If you wish to speak to a Zest representative regarding this benefit. Please email your enquiry to: marketplace@zestbenefits.com
Client testimonials
"Since launching MoneyFit for our members, we have seen great engagement with hundreds of site visits and quiz completions. MoneyFit offers an excellent combination or educational content and practical tools that helps people to make informed decisions about their finances."
"We chose MoneyFit because it offers a combination of engaging content, practical support and helpful signposting at an affordable price. Our people can now benefit from access to financial education and information on our employee benefits in one place which is great."