Seven people all lined up smiling


Intelligent Wills that better protect your family.

We give you something no one else does

Kinherit is a law firm specialising in Wills & Trusts, and pioneers of a new approach to Will-writing.

They have created what they call an ‘Intelligent’ Will, designed to make probate less stressful and to protect inheritance for families. Written by STEP-qualified advisers, their Wills tackle not just the issue of who gets left what, but also where to find it.  In our paperless era of online accounts, families often struggle with probate due to a lack of information, and also risk not inheriting all that should be theirs, simply because they didn’t know it existed.



Their Intelligent Will includes a Kinvault handover platform – a secure online vault that helps clients gather together all their legal, financial and practical information in one place to help their families easily step into their shoes. The Kinvault prompts clients to upload all the information needed to make probate easier to manage, including legal documents and a full list of everything they want to pass on. This information is then securely handed over to families after death, with support offered as they start their probate journey.

Kinherit are the first UK company to address these information challenges that families face after death, and provide a solution as an integral part of a Will service.

Introducing Kinherit & Kinvault

Content & Links

Kinherit – Flyer

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